Course Description

Are you looking for high quality, cost effective whole school staff training around behaviour? We are offering an online 90-minute session on Monday 1st September 2025 9.30am-11.00am.

This training session will be an ideal start to the school year for existing or new; experienced or inexperienced staff and provides an excellent overview of ‘Responding to Behaviour’ either as a new piece of training or a refresher course.
The session will cover –
– Where behaviour comes from.
– The science behind brain development.
– The importance of emotionally safe relationships.
– Strategies for responding rather than reacting to behaviour.
– Communication; connection & boundaries within the primary school environment.
A comprehensive handout to complement the course, including further information i.e. de-escalation strategies will be provided (via email).

Booking Conditions and Cancellations

Any cancellation should be confirmed in writing at least one month prior to the event. Less than 2 weeks in advance of the first day – 100% of payment due. Less than 4 weeks in advance of the first day – 75% of payment due. There is no refund for course members having to withdraw from the course, following agreed numbers.

Each course is suitable for Headteachers, SLT, Teachers, Support Staff, HSLWs and other education professionals.

Date: Monday 1st September 2025

Cost – £99 (+ VAT) per school (one link)

Course Duration: 9:30am – 11.00am

Venue details: Online

Course Facilitators:

Nathalie Downing
Sarah Richens

Please let us know your requirement